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This bold and bright poster presents two different scenes of leisure made more widely available by the railway. The artist has selected a range of vivid colors, a choice made possible by the growing availability of lithographic printing. The poster…

The general history of the house, before and after Hemingway's time in Key West.

Screenshot-2018-4-25 George Bernard Shaw, by Gilbert K Chesterton Portrait sketches of George Bernard Shaw and Gilbert K Ch[...](1).png
George Bernard Shaw's contemporary, Gilbert K Chesterdon, dedicated a book to exploring Shaw as a person. He wrote it as a first edition, indicating he anticipated more to follow. This may have been because Shaw was still alive when Chesterdon was…

Screenshot-2018-4-25 George Bernard Shaw, harlequin or patriot by John Palmer - pdf(1).png
While many writers and artists are discovered after their time, George Bernard Shaw was a source of fascination to his contemporaries. John Palmer takes a stab at debunking what he believed to be myths about Shaw in his book "George Bernard Shaw:…

Evans lived a generous childhood, doing what she could to help the local impoverished where she grew up. This taught her lessons on humanity that would later appear in her works. As a young adult she learned French, German and Italian in addition to…

Often used as an architectural signifier of distinction, graceful and wide staircases characterize Georgian hallways of Ireland and what would become the new American Regency style.

Getting Better (Remastered 2009).mp3
"Getting Better" is a song from The Beatles' eighth studio album, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." The song, while not culturally significant as other tracks on the album, is relevant for the purposes of my final project. In this song,…

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The first noticeable artistic dimension is unmistaken, the gilded pages. It brings a golden aura to book itself. The term "gilding" covers countless decorative techniques. The process of applying gold leaf or powder to solid surfaces creates this…

The interior view of the Glenwood Power Plant. The photo displays the massive four story walls now filled with graffiti. It is taken from the rear of the structure looking toward the train tracks.

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Merchandise table selling $200 tshirts and goodie bags filled with cheap items, including condoms, which did not quadruple the amount of the ticket price.