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This website serves as the official digital space within which the NYC Pride 2019 celebrations will have information regarding performances, travel information for those coming from large distances, celebrity appearances, volunteer opportunities, the…

Popular Essay Stonewall Assignment 1 - 1.30.pdf
This popular essay, completed as a primary assignment for the English 392 course, details the author's experience upon first entering the Stonewall Inn, and further traces the author's impressions, prior assumptions of the site, and argumentative…

The final reflection ties in the Hamilton Narrative with authors ideas form the semester and reviews the students struggles with Omeka.

Domestic Violence in the US.jpg
This item creates a visual representation of some startling facts and figures about domestic violence in the United States. It was created through the digital tools requirement, and is intended to be used to put stories of domestic violence like…

This is a clip from the movie, Pearl Harbor. It is a scene which graphically depicts the attack.

This is a screenshot of the New York Post's daily horoscope section from May 7th, 2019. This column is filled with horoscopes every single day. This can be contrasted to the first ever horoscope published, since it is much more accessible to the…