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George Bernard Shaw's "League of Nations" is duct taped to a copy of The Listener newspaper, inside which he had contributed an article. It is taped along with another political leaflet, "Are We Heading For War?". It is fairly similar to the…

Oliphant Newspaper.pdf
The following resource is a version of the story of 'The Library Window' provided in the Blackwood Newspaper. One thing to note about the structure of the newspaper version is that it has much smaller text and has less pages then the counterpart…

Download Document.pdf
This "Morning News" article from the June 21, 1865 publishing of The Belfast Morning News details the horrific train accident which occurred on June 9th as a result of construction near the village of Staplehurst. The accident, in which a section of…

An article about the importance of libraries to restore and maintain culture.

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The Facebook page that started the revolution in Egypt by organizing parades and providing meeting locations.

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The Hearst Magazine features the "Woman's Realm" department, fortifying the ideals of the numerous "privileges" obtained by women. In this particular advertisement, readers are encouraged to spend ten cents on a single copy that lists the appropriate…

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"Woman," which was written for John Lennon's album "Double Fantasy" is truly the antithesis of his previous song "Getting Better." In this song, Lennon sings about his second wife, Yoko Ono Lennon, and all the wonderful things she has done for him. …