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This image is inspired by M.R. James' story, "The Diary of Mr. Poynter." This image represents a moment in the story when Mr. Denton is sitting in his chair with his arm hanging over the side of his chair thinking that he is petting his dog, when in…

The documentary Carries the viewer through the life and mind of Frederick Law Olmsted, the man hailed as an architecture of natural landscape and creator of national parks in America. Through the documentary we see into the mind of one of the…

The library was styled around the Beaux Arts architecture style which was used on buildings meant to serve a symbolic meaning.

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This essay is about the stereoscope and how it was a big turning point and made people begin to think differently about technology and the benefits it can have on people. It goes into great detail about the intricacies of the stereoscope, how it…

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This essay, though pragmatic in its approach, describes the function of a stereoscope in a tone that exhibits blatant admiration for the object and its creator. It seeks to educate its audience, not only on the facets associated with its practical…

The crowd of people waiting outside for TanaCon, as seen by someone inside the Marriott hotel looking down below.

Interior Photo #7.jpg
Showcases one of the rooms in the Hemingway Home. This specific room contains several pieces of art and one model ship housed in a display case. One of several places in the home that could be used for social gatherings.

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Displays Hemingway's study in the house. Also shows some artifacts related to Hemingway, such as his typewriter and a painting. The mounted animal head is a trophy from one of Hemingway's safaris.

This is a photograph of the stained glass windows in the St. Andrew's College dining hall, originally installed in 1857 by Edward Burne-Jones. Edward Burne-ones was one of the most visionary artists of the Victorian era, and was known for his…

Little Prince Tattoo.jpeg
This is an image of a tattoo. Many literary adept people will see this image and instantly recognize the famous boa constrictor illustration from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The purpose of this image has been debated ever since…