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Forrest Gump, released in 1994, is the story of a simple man named Forrest. In the movie, Forrest enlists in the U.S. army during the Vietnam War, and is deployed overseas. It also follows his and other soldiers' experience of being a veteran in the…

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The 1888 broadside poster is an advertisement of Kate Fox and Charles W. Starr's return, revealing the secrets of spiritualism.:

During one of the greatest religious movements during the 19th century, three sisters claimed to be mediums to the…

Rob Chernow's biographical novel details the political and personal life of founding father, Alexander Hamilton. This novel was the inspiration for Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton".

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A New York Times article that details how the Vietnam War was filmed from an NBC producers' perspective

British stag party who took selfies with a SEX DOLL at Ground Zero on the eve of the 15th anniversary of 9/11 'all work on Wall Street'.

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This item creates a visual representation of some startling facts and figures about domestic violence in the United States. It was created through the digital tools requirement, and is intended to be used to put stories of domestic violence like…

This popular article details the an account of the who, what, when, where and why of John Lennon's murder on December 8, 1980. While it might have been possible the "Imagine" Mosaic would have been created in the event John Lennon died of natural…

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In response to the passage from Thomas Hardy's "The Imaginative Woman" which portrays the mundane life that most women share in Victorian Society in lieu of marriage, as well as the role women are then confined to, I am sharing a poem by Christina…


The bodies of these sculptures are frail, and their faces appear frightened. Their eyes are wide as they look up at the massive ships they are about to embark. They clutch onto what is left of their belongings as they board the ships to America,…