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On August 7, 1974, a 24-year-old French high-wire artist named Philippe Petit committed one of the most astonishing performance stunts of the late 20th century: he strung a thin cable in between the two towers of the World Trade Center and not only…

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This book details how to pull off simple magic tricks as well as how to communicate with spirits. Published in 1855, we can get a sense as to the fascination Victorians had of the supernatural and how this fascination inspired many writers in the…

Jules Goodman made six illustrations for Thomas Hardy's "An Imaginative Woman," the headnote being an abstract piece picturing Ella, the protagonist, and the poet character Robert Trewe, whom she falls in love with despite not formally meeting. On…

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Here, James details his personal qualifications for writing a worthy ghost story. He holds in high regard one's ability to create a setting that is utterly normal and strikingly mundane. It is unsurprising that this qualification tops James' list,…

“This season, The New York Public Library is commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Through a major exhibition, a series of programs, book recommendations, and more, we invite you to learn more about the emergence of the modern…

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The Old Academy original building

Video shows the day of September 11th, 2001. By showing viewers the day it will help them understand and remember why we have The National September 11th Memorial & Museum.

In the Author's Introduction that appears on the first pages of this novel, Kerouac writes that "Lonesome Traveler is a collection of published and unpublished pieces connected together because they have a common theme: Traveling.” Coined for his…