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Press Release regarding TanaCon

In his book, preventing violence, James Gilligan shows the reader what contributes to the offenders violent outbursts. He shows the readers the internal and socioeconomic reasons that someone is pushed to the edge and returns with violence.

An image of Queen Victoria wearing the Koh-I-Noor diamond as a broach

For Spring Break 2019, I went to London for 5 days where I was able to go to the Tower of London which guards the Crown Jewels. In class, we briefly spoke about the Koh-I-Noor diamond when having to read The Illustrated London News (September, 8,…

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The image is just a small excerpt explaining the difficulties of being a signalman. Apparently, I was very easy for a signalman to cause a collusion between two trains. This is because the signalman is trying to move one train from danger, but that…

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In this article, there are many railroad servants who are thinking of doing a strike for better wages and shorter work hours. This gives insight to the type of lifestyle and treatment these men were getting before they started to rebel. Luckily, many…

The final reflection ties in the Hamilton Narrative with authors ideas form the semester and reviews the students struggles with Omeka.

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This piece was published in the same issue which Margaret Oliphant's The Library Window was originally published. The pieces are featured in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine January 1896 issue. I find it interesting that this piece written about…

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A two volume compilation of legal records kept during the Salem witchcraft trials. The book is an exhaustive compilation of legal proceedings that includes testimony and results of the trials. The book maintains both the prose and diction of the…