This article essentially gives a beginner's guide to palm-reading or cheiromancy to the reader, instructing them in what all of the different aspects of the hand mean in order to read it "properly." What struck me in "Character in the Hand" is that…
A small collection of videos from my personal archives from a few years back while celebrating my friend and I’s birthday, April 17 and April 20th respectively. While the videos at first seem doofy and not all that professional in the scope of the…
A collection of short stories from a variety of different perspectives which show how Central Park has affected the individual, social, and collective memories.
This part of the course is perhaps the most famous. Many think that it is called cemetery hill because of how steep and long the hill is, but it is named that because at the top of the hill is the cemetery of the Van Cortlandt family, whom the park…
All of the original beams remain in their original position. Five of the ceiling beams in the south first floor room of the 1808 block required custom steel sleeves during restoration. The sleeves wrapped around the solid portion of the original…
This was taken by my uncle because you were not allowed to go up and take pictures. There were security precautions taken for almost anything you did inside the Cathedral. My uncle took a picture of the screen that was next to him.