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"Crying for John Lennon" is an original song dedicated to the memory of John Lennon and the vision of peace he imparted on the world. It was used in the documentary "Strawberry Fields"

Intimate partner violence (IPV) refers to a wide variety of abuses that are perpetuated in a romantic or otherwise intimate relationship. These abuses can be physical, financial, emotional, psychological, sexual, and even academic. The subject of…

Wilmington Vermont Irene Flood. Watch this building and it's host town rebuild from ravaging flood waters in the Mount Snow Valley of Southern Vermont.

St Patrick's Cathedral Cover for Omeka.jpg
The outside of the cathedral on beautiful day .

in 1861 the ten dollar bill went into mass printing in the Unites States. It wasn't until the early 1900's that the U.S. Treasury mandated that every ten dollar bill have an identical portrait of founding father, Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton remains…

The busy streets of Chelsea, NY. This image was taken right outside of the museum.