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Poster Painter

All The Year Round Table of Contents.jpg
In this Christmas 1866 issue of All The Year Round, the stories featured are Charles Dickens' "The Signalman," Andrew Halliday's, "The Engine-Driver," and Amelia B. Edwards, "The Engineer" amongst others. It is worth noting that "The Signalman"…

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This is the cover page that we viewed when our class went to the NYPL for class. This is in prime condition and it is an accurate representation of what people in Christmas 1866 would carry around after buying one. This edition holds Dickens work…

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This is an image of what the cover of "Alicia's Diary," by Thomas Hardy looks like. This image of the cover has a somewhat older looking feel to it with the border surrounding the words on the page and the older and more worn out looking color of the…

Hamilton Grange National Memorial is a Historical landmark in Manhattan, New York City, that preserves the relocated home of U.S. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton.

This elementary level Children's Book focuses on Alexander Hamilton’s rise from a young orphan in the Caribbean to one of the most influential founding fathers in the United States of America. This book draws on key elements from the musical, and…

Rob Chernow's biographical novel details the political and personal life of founding father, Alexander Hamilton. This novel was the inspiration for Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton".

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This is a page of classified ads in the The Sheffield & Rotherham Independent for the original publication of Alicia's Diary. The ad has contains the early review's of the the story along with naming some of Hardy's other works. The ad is written as…