Back of the "All The Year Round" issue Ad Page

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Back of the "All The Year Round" issue Ad Page


This image depicts the original edition of the Christmas 1866 magazine "All The Year Round". The way Dickens was able to get money to sell these issues and have enough to spend on the printing/publishing was to sell ad space. This is different from other issues we've seen and discussed in class with ads in between the stories inside the publication but this edition only had ads behind the cover and in the back. I thought that was interesting. It could have been because this was a special holiday edition and it was a way to not break any of the flow of the scary stories back to back. The structure of the ads is different than modern ads because they are vertical down the page and there are no illustrations. It attracted my attention because it was so different so I wonder how people of the time viewed it.


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“Back of the "All The Year Round" issue Ad Page,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed September 20, 2024,