Cairokee Esbat Makanak (Hold Your Position

Dublin Core


Cairokee Esbat Makanak (Hold Your Position




A song, sang and written by a band named Cairokee for the protesters.







Ethbat Makanak (اثبت مكانك) (English translation)

English translation

Stand Still

Stand still here is your adress the fear fears you and your conscience never let you down
Stand still the sun light is comming back it's whether you die standing up or live kneeling
Stand still the heart of the motherland is hurt and the sound of freedom is gone
Your speech is incomprehensible your feeling is indescribable
Your speech is incomprehensible your feeling is indescribable
You say dignity and they respond with insult you say justice and they say you're a jerk
Stand still here is your adress the fear fears you and your conscience never let you down
You're the daylight and the sound of your cheer is louder than the sound of fear and betrayal
Stand still and along with the the Adhan ask your God who's Right and Just and Peace
Stand still your shoulder touches your brother's doesnt matter if the idea is gone it won't die
Your speech is incomprehensible your feeling is indescribable
Your speech is incomprehensible your feeling is indescribable
You say dignity and they respond with insult you say justice and they say you're a jerk
You're supposed to be silent to be a body doube
You're supposed to be silent it's whether you die or live as a prisoner
Living in the biggest prison but inside i'm free
Keep evil away from me
loyalty is for the past the thoughts are our friends
A lie of a lyer inside of me proves the truth
The reflection of the incorrect history in the mirror is obviouse
a rock will break the mirror and reveals the truth
We are concealed on the inside even if our bodies are revealed
Who ever speaks the truth is called a traitor
My defeat has been defeated but my victory has been stolen
the truth has been fabricated with sadness on a book that has been burnt
i'm the ones who died a year ago and the one who fought hasn't been hanged
i'm the lines on paper i'm the one who's burnt on the inside
I'm the one who's hair went grey from the death of a kid in school
I'm the one who stands still no matter what they say or how much they add gloom