The Stonewall Inn Official Website

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The Stonewall Inn Official Website


Historical Account of the Riots and Calendar of Upcoming Events


The different pages which exist on The Stonewall Inn's official website serve as perfect examples of the bivalent nature of Stonewall's conflicting public and individual memories. On the one hand, the website provides more than adequate information on the daily goings-on at the still functioning bar, including their weekly schedule of happy hours, drink special, performers, and karaoke, and further provides information on the upcoming celebrations for World Pride. This narrative is more unique within the sources I've collected for this project, as many informational sources on The Stonewall Inn are representative of the bar's positionality in the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and less centered around the building's daily functions as an active bar and nightclub.

In opposition to this image of memorialization for Stonewall, however, the website's page on the history of The Stonewall Riots is both more inclusive of the female-centric, narrative which actually occurred that evening, yet remains just as exclusionary to the gender non-conforming individuals who actively lead the Riots and defended Stonewall. This account of the Riots provides more data and numbers, and further recognizes the role young lesbians played in fighting back against the 8 NYPD officers who raided Stonewall that night. This is more than can be said for many of the sources I've found. However, the continued exclusion of trans women, drag queens, and gender non-conforming individuals is representative of the pervasiveness of transphobia in both the LGBTQ+ community, and in the larger society as a whole.




First Accessed January 21st, 2019


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Unknown, “The Stonewall Inn Official Website,” Manhattan College Omeka , accessed September 20, 2024,