Browse Exhibits (131 total)

How Another Donald Trump Presidency will Change the U.S.: Increases in Social Tightness and Racial Resentment

The ecological changes that occurred prior to our forty fifth President, Donald J. Trump taking office, as well as what might happen should history repeat itself and he gets elected again.

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Has the vaping epidemic caused behavioral changes in those who vape or used to vape?”

PodcastThis Exhibit examines the vapining epidemic and its possible affect on behavioral changes in people who vape. In the course of the podcast I will provide not only psychological facts into vapings affect on beahvior, but I will also examine possibilites of behavioral change in the future due to vaping. The link here will open a new window for the podcast as you browse through the exhibit.

Goals of this exhibit: 1.) bring to the surface behavior affects of vaping

2.) Include possible behavioral changes in the future for people who used to or still do vape. 

Queerness Shaping Literature-- Analyzing Allingham's "The Witch Bride."

The purpose of this exhibit is to deeply analyze themes of queerness in William Allingham's 'The Witch-Bride.' With these queer themes in mind, I also seek to acknowledge and discuss the adultery prevalent in the poem, and how a pushback against heteronormative marriage that could have opened an avenue for productive conversation surrounding the topic intsead shows unabashed adultery, as well as villianizes queer identity and exploration. With this, I want to raise the question of whether or not representation of queerness can be read as representation if it is only negative in nature.

The Parasites of Society: An Analysis of Male Objectification and Ideals For Women in In An Artist’s Studio

My exhibition titled The Parasites of Society: An Analysis of Male Objectification and Ideals For Women in In An Artist’s Studio analyses and exposes the male Victorian standards and treatment of women that existed in the 1800s and in Christina Rossetti's In An Artist's Studio. In the poem, Rossetti writes about a male artist who's studio features paintings of only one woman. Although he paints the woman in an attractive, favorable way, it becomes obvious that this is not how the woman truly exists. Rather, she is sorrowful, and lacks an identity and voice. The male artist, who seemed to be innocently painting a lovely lady on canvas, turned out to be rather egocentric, and supresses the woman. Christina Rossetti's intention for writing this poem- as well as other poems and stories alike- was to bring attention to the Victorian society in which she grew up in. Being raised very religious, she was even constantly surrounded by men who believed that women must look and act a certain way. In an effort to call attention to these unjust sexist expectations, she began writing poems like this one. This exhibit encompasses some backround on Rossetti's upbringing and the society that existed around her, as well as the male objectification of women that exists within In An Artist's Studio. 

Daphne Du Maurier “The Birds” on environmental destruction caused by WWII

My digital archive project explores Daphne Du Maurier “The Birds,” and the destruction of England from the events of World War II. Daphne Du Maurier’s “The Birds” is a horror story about a small family that lives in England post WWII and focuses on their survival during newly formed bird attacks, but why are these bird attacks happening? Daphne Du Maurier uses “The Birds” to reference the environmental destruction to England from events such as the Battle of Britain and The Blitz. The birds attacks reveals a broader view towards Nazi’s and how they invaded England during World War II resulting in the destructing of the environment. The goal of my archive is to examine “The Birds,” and show the aftermath of World War II, targeting how it has destroyed England environmentally and mentally.

Daphne Du Maurier's "The Birds" and the Domestic Sphere

The purpose of this archive is to examine how "The Birds" by Daphne Du Maurier comments on traditional domestic ideals. This through an examination of the text and the characterizations of Nat and his wife. The archive also briefly looks at the reltionship between technology and nature, as well as briefly comparing the comments that Du Maurier makes on domesticity in the "The Birds," to the ideas of domesticity that are presented in the film The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. This fucntions to show the more radical critiques of the domestic sphere made by Du Maurier, compared to the appectance of domestic traditons that the movie presents. This archive includes the cover created by me, a journal review of "The Birds," stills from the movie The Birds, as well as using scholary sources on the topic of technology vs. nature, and the analysis of Du Maurier's wiriting on family Gothic Literature. All of these are used to demonstrate how Du Maurier rejects the traditonal domestic ideals.

Mental Health 5 years from now

Hi! Welcome to my Exhibit! 

I'm Jessica Osorio and this Omeka site accompanies my podcast in which I speak on How Mental Health will look like 5 Years from Now Due to Epidemic Knows as Covid

I mainly focus on how patients will be and how services will change over the years 

In the podcast I mention how moving forward, in the next 5 we will see how more people adapt to technology as the new resource when it comes to speaking to a mental health professional

This Exhibit, will be able to help you see the different artifacts that I mention throughout the podcast. 

Thank you for taking your time to listen

“War, Who Is It Good For?”- Du Maurier and Her Use of World War II in “The Birds”

“War, Who Is It Good For?”- Du Maurier and Her Use of World War II in “The Birds”- is an exhibition that is dedicated to Du Maurier's short story of "The Birds". This story takes place in England, in which Nat runs a farm and lives with his family. Everything seems peaceful within their lives until massive herds of birds start showing up in the country, killing humans and committing violent acts against innocent people. Du Maurier's story of angry birds helps serve as a bigger political message of how enemies would invade countries during World War II and destroy civilization in order to win a bloody conflict. She also uses her writing to show the environmental destruction that takes place because of the consequences of war, and how nature is destroyed because of the bombings and air raids that would take place in the natural world. This archive will make the case that “The Birds” shows the consequences that happen after the war, specifically in how they destroy the relaxing everyday lives of ordinary people, and even more, how these battles rip apart the once beautiful gift of nature that was gifted to human beings.