Browse Exhibits (131 total)

The Relationship between Social Isolation and Increased Screen time during the Covid-19 pandemic and Increased Individualism

This Omeka site complements my podcast titled “The Relationship between Social Isolation and Increased Screen time during the Covid-19 pandemic and Increased Individualism”. You will be able to follow along in this exhibit as I direct you to specific artifacts discussed throughout my podcast.

Make sure that you open this page in a new browser window so that you can review the remaining pages of the exhibit while listening to the podcast. You can also click on the image for more details about the artifact and a better look at the image. 

Click the link to listen: 


The Future Awaits: A Cultural Psychology Podcast and Online Exhibit

Here is an online exhibit with an accompaning podcast dedicated to learning about how social media may effect depression 5 years down the line. 

Go to the next page to learn more! 

Contrasting Lives

This exhibit focuses on the significance of power and inequality that W.H. Auden was able to express in the poem Musée Des Beaux Arts the impact seen on humankind, to connect to the dark side of society. Seen in the way the writing expressed a need for reorder to the social and natural world, during the time of modernism as a response to the rapidly changing world affected by industrialization and urbanization. It is rooted in the late 19th century carrying on after World War I. The war had undermined humankind’s faith in the foundations of Western society on culture, the heritage of social norms, ethical values, tradition, belief systems, political systems, and postwar Modernist literature reflected a sense of oppression and fragmentation. As Auden was able to show enlightenment in the power of his words offering imagery to capture the time period of his writing to WW2, questioning the way power surrounds society seen with inequality that divides gender during the 19th century to continue today.  

The Shadow on the Wall: A Story of No Gender


Here is where I will offer my one-paragraph description of my exhibit. 

COVID-19's Impact on Culture

This Omeka site is intended to be viewed along with Zachery Schwab's Cultural Psychology podcast, which can be listened to by playing the podcast file.

This podcast intends to predict how our culture will change in the next few years due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. By looking at our current culture through a psychological lens, it can be examined that:

Our culture will become tighter.

We will value our in-groups more.

As a culture we will becomemore collectivstic.

COVID-19 will impact the future of our culture for many years to come.

After listening to the podcast's introduction, click on to the next page to see the evidence for our culture becoming tighter and valuing in-groups more.

Climate Change and Collectivism

This exhibit relates to Regina Ricardo's podcast on Climate Change and how collectivism helps environmental support

Climate Change and Environmental Action in Different Cultures

Hello and welcome to my Omeka site. This exhibit is made to complement my Podcast also titled Climate Change and Environmental Action in Different Cultures

The purpose of this exhibit is to inform you of the cultural psychological variables behind the disparaties of environmental action in response to climate change among different cultures. 

The cultures that we will be focusing on throughout this podcast are European Americans in the United States, and Japanese people from Japan.