Browse Exhibits (131 total)

How Relational Mobility May Be a Hidden Factor In American Political Polarization

American political polarization dominates every corner of our social media pages. It inevitably crosses the table over family meal times. It hardens the most extreme fringe minorities into warriors who view their struggle as not only righteous, but protecting the culture and people they have come to love. But causes this disparity of empathy between fellow-blooded americans? Can we isolate the factors that cause the South and the Midwest to go to ideological war with the North and Shores? While that may be an expansice question to cover in one project, an important place to start may be our countries high relational mobility and its affect on the various traits our culture (and interioir cultures) produce. In this in this exhibit, I will be going over how relational mobility influences major psychological frameworks and constructs that incetivize the kinds of aggressive action we see between parties. Much of what I discuss is a grander account of western culture, how exactly things like analytical thinking, internal locus of control, cultures of Honor and Dignity, as well as cultural reciprocity loops have become utilized to provide our citizens with exactly what theyve grown up to desire: a political identity that reflects their independence but still acts like a family. We will keep careful track of how seeming unobtrusive aspects of interpersonal relationships end up affecting things much larger than themsleces down the domino change. The listener should come away from the podcast with a more comprehensive look at western culture, and beginning questioning the kinds of things we value in current society if we desire to change the direction towards political disarray we have been stumbling on for the past 5-6 years. 

Cultural Impact of Artificial Intelligence

For my podcast project and the Omeka exhibit that goes alongside it, I'm going to discuss the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, acknowledge some solutions for a better future, and relate everything back to the concepts we discussed during lectures, such as independence vs. interdependence, ethics, and more. On the next page, you'll see my podcast at the top, and the majority of my artifacts below. On the third page, you will see two videos from two perspectives of people involved or closely involved with AI. 

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Skin Lightening on Culture

Welcome to my Omeka site! My podcast and exhibit focus on the impact of culture on skin lightening. On this page, you will find my podcast and the first artifact that consists of useful terms to know in order to understand the concept of culture.  

Black Lives Matter Protest vs. Cultural Perception

Welcome! This exhibt is followed with an audio podcast that can be opened on a new window tab found here. 

Created By: Rebecca Rodriguez

The Effects of Racial Discrimination on Black Mental Health


Shifting Attitudes Regarding Immigration in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic

American attitudes toward immigration have changed to be more negative since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but why? This podcast and Omeka exhibit dives into the cultural psychological variables that explain the shift toward negative attitudes regarding immigration. Certain ecological pressures evoke particular responses within specific cultural communities. The implications of parasite prevalence within a community will be explained as well as the development of the behavioral immune system, which is a cultural psychological adaption to living in areas of high parasite-prevalence - in this case, living during the spread of COVID-19 in the United States. The role of in-group and out-group bias will be explained regarding the threat of infection as well as the threat to resources. The abundance and scarcity of resources within a community, or in this case, a country influences attitudes toward immigration. As a result, the economic downturn will also be examined due to the increased unemployment rates caused by COVID-19. Resource scarcity versus resource abundance has additional evoked cultural responses such as contempt versus tolerance. When the U.S. is prospering and flourishing economically, American attitudes toward immigration are generally more positive. But in times of uncertainty and threat, American attitudes toward immigration shift to become more negative. This podcast and Omeka exhibit will shed some light on each of these psychological variables that explain this cultural phenomenon and will attempt to predict what will be seen in the years to come regarding American attitudes towards immigration. 

How has the history of gender inequality impacted the current fight for women's rights?

In contemporary society, it is a daily struggle for women to live the life their innate rights ought to protect. Due to many cultural factors, there are contributions from all areas of society that aid in silencing and victimizing women. This is an issue that needs to be addressed by all and needs great cooperation in continuing the efforts of advocacy surrounding the underrepresented. Tune in to hear more about the research surrounding the history and current struggle of women and how we, as a society, can positively contribute to the valiant effort in achieving gender equality!  

Attitudes Toward Gun Control in America

This Omeka site goes along with the podcast "Cultural Variables Contributing to Attitudes Toward Gun Control in America." You can click here to listen to the podcast in a different tab while following along on this site.

The goal of this podcast is to investigate the different cultural variables that explain why attitudes toward gun control vary in the United States as well as give a prediction into how these attitudes might shift over the next several years.

The Predicted Rise of Eating Disorders as a Result of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Welcome to my Omeka site, where I will be exploring the predicted rise of eating disorders as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the cultural shifts in our society following the events of 2020.

This site is in conjuction with a corresponding podcast that will help guide you through the information on each page. Right click this link, and choose the option to "Open Link in a New Tab" to access the podcast and listen while you follow along in this exhibit.

Thank you for listening and visiting my Omeka site!

Technology Dependence and an Increase of Individualism After Covid-19

My exhibit will provide key items relating to cultural change, our growing technology dependence, and why this has and will continue to increase our individualism after the Covid-19 pandemic.