Browse Exhibits (131 total)

The Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Non-Western States: An Evaluation of Urbanization, Food Insecurity, and other Factors of Westernization on Eating Habits

This Omeka site serves as a way to exhibit signifcant data that is used in my podcast: "The Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Non-Western States: An Evaluation of Urbanization, Food Insecurity, and other Factors of Westernization on Eating Habits". The best way to gain a full comprehenson of my podcast would be to listen to the podcast, while also viewing the Omeka site. Click this link to listen to the podcast in another tab, and follow along with the exhibit. 

Welcome to My Omeka Site about Colombia's Changes

Colombia and its Shift from Collectivism to Individualism 

Welcome to my Omeka site. This exhibit is a complementary to my podcast entitled "How Political and Economical Changes in Colombia Has Increased Individualism Levels" Click this link: to access the podcast in another tab while proceeding along with this exhibit. 

The purpose f this project is to inform the cultural changes in Colombia. It will be discussed how these changes led to a shift from collectivism to an increase in individualism in the Colombian population. Also, based on the data shown, a prediction will be made about what would happen in Colombia in the next 10 years. 

Please click the following page to follow along with the discussion by looking at the artifacts being displayed. 

The increase in violence against the Asian population given the threat of COVID 19 within the United States.

Welcome to my Omeka site! If you click on - this link - you will be able to listen to my podcast on a separate tab while still viewing my site on the original Omeka site tab.

Within the United States, there was a significant increase in violence towards the Asian population specifically after the threat of COVID 19 and its impact on not only the United States but the entire world. Specifically, within the United States, there was a significant increase in hate crimes against the Asian population starting in March of 2020... but why? My Omeka site will provide the information needed to explain why there was this increase in violence based on certain psychological variables.

Psychology, Pathogens, and Predictions

This site is paired with Simona Graceffo's podcast of the same title, "Psychology, Pathogens, and Predictions." Here, she explores how COVID-19 changed life history strategies and makes predictions on how this will influence future career decisions. 

Aidan Downes's Good Friday Agreement Collection

Welcome to my exhibit exploring the events of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement through various forms of media. This exhibit covers the monumental signing of the Belfast Agreement between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, in addition to the document’s effects on Ireland and the reactions of people worldwide. The Belfast Agreement is commonly known as the Good Friday Agreement because it was achieved on Good Friday, the 10th of April, 1998. The agreement brought about an era of peace, after decades of violence between Unionists and Loyalists over the question of where Northern Ireland belongs. The agreement saw the creation of a new government in Northern Ireland where Unionists and Loyalists shared power. 

The Political Murals of Northern Ireland by Luke Gunsel

The history of Ireland is rife with with struggle and violence. For the Irish people, it may be difficult to find ways to express feelings toward that history. One method of expression is art, which will be explored in this Exhibit. The old saying goes "A picture is worth a thousand words," and some of the murals found throughout Northern Ireland truly depict the struggle most of the Northern Irish faced for most of the late 20th century. 

Documenting the Aftermath of Bloody Sunday

This exhibits contains information about the aftermath of the Bloody Sunday unrest, and how it forever changed the  relationship between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. While nothing can reverse the horrors of that day, it serves as a sobering reminder that violence never wins. 

Bill Clinton's Visit to Northern Ireland

In 1995, U.S. President Bill Clinton visited Northern Ireland in a crucial moment for The Troubles. The United States was helping facilitate the talks between the two sides and this visit was an incredibly important symbolic gesture. Previously, it would have been unthinkable for a leader as prominent as Clinton to travel to Northern Ireland. Now, not only was he visiting the region, but he was also going out in public, meeting with leaders on both sides of the aisle, and representing the hope that an agreement could finally be made. Though it would be three more years until the Good Friday Agreement was signed, this was a welcome sign that things could be changing for the better.

Provisional Irish Republican Army - Patrick Adamo

The Provisional Irish Republican Army and informally as the provos, was an Irishrepublican paramilitary organisation that sought to end British rule in Northern Ireland, facilitate Irish reunification and bring about an independent Ireland. It was the most active republican paramilitary group during the Troubles.

Bloody Sunday

Welcome! This exhibit is about Bloody Sunday in Ireland. This event took place January 30th, 1972 in Derry, Northern Ireland .