Welcome to My Omeka Site about Colombia's Changes

Colombia and its Shift from Collectivism to Individualism 

Welcome to my Omeka site. This exhibit is a complementary to my podcast entitled "How Political and Economical Changes in Colombia Has Increased Individualism Levels" Click this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXQtqi-Fle1mYdv-YNY7m2mAVSjVA9s8/view?usp=sharing to access the podcast in another tab while proceeding along with this exhibit. 

The purpose f this project is to inform the cultural changes in Colombia. It will be discussed how these changes led to a shift from collectivism to an increase in individualism in the Colombian population. Also, based on the data shown, a prediction will be made about what would happen in Colombia in the next 10 years. 

Please click the following page to follow along with the discussion by looking at the artifacts being displayed.