News Report of the Signing of the Good Friday Agreement of 1998

The attached video is a news report from an Irish news network, RTE News, at  the time of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. At the beginning of the report, an Irish newscaster expressed her support and joy that the historical agreement had passed, and that it united Unionists, Loyalists, Republicans, and Nationalists through their joint effort to pass the accord. She also echoed the sentiments of Ireland as a whole, who were hoping that the agreement would lead to a new time of peace and decrease the amount of violence, finally putting an end to the senseless bloodshed and death of innocent people. There were also excerpts of the speeches given by Prime Ministers of Ireland and Britain, which outlined the era of peace that would ensue, and spoke about the future of political debate settling the fate of Northern Ireland and a potentially creating a united, free Ireland rather than violence and attacks in the streets.