Cultural Changes

Mass social movements are the most effective force for propogating change a, societal level, as indicated by the Civil Rights Movements of the past.

  • In the upcoming decade, BLM will help in reducing implicit cultural biases, help coveying the plight of Black people, shed light on their predicamments, educate the masses and alter racist attitudes by using growing awarness as an agent of change
  • This movement will help minimize the negative connotations attached with this racial group, present people with facts and showcase how systemically disadvantaged black people are (targets of racism and unlawful police brutality, who are actively fighting for justice) as suggested by Gaertner & Dovidio 2005 study.
  • Create in-group identity amougst varying racial groups and populations of people who identify as allies, according to Walther & Trasselli’s 2003 study. 
  • Further budget cuts on police departments, increased training, greater accountability for the men and women in blue will be seen
  • More laws like the "Breonna's Law" will be passed as a direct result of the atrocities commited against Breonna Taylor and George Flyod.
  • BLM rallies, interviews, and media coverage have given Black people the opportunity to directly voice their opinions on racism and racial issues. A social movement that repeatedly pairs black people in general with positive words, such as “Black Lives Matter”, as well as positive images and traits showing off their courage and strength may systematically change the underlying valence of associations with Black People. This would cause more fundamental and lasting change on a societal level.