What is BLM?

Black Lives Matter can be defined as a civil rights movement or a social movement which advocates for non-violent civil disobedience in order to  protest against acts of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.

In a study titled “Black Lives Matter: Toward a Modern Practice of Mass Struggle” Russel Rickford discusses the birth of this contemporary human rights movement. It aims to be an ideological intervention in a society where black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. Its goal is to rebuild the Black liberation movement. 

In another study study titled as An Existential– Humanistic Perspective on Black Lives Matter and Contemporary Protest Movements, Hoffman identifies the key aspects of the movement. He discusses how “Black Lives Matter”, isn’t just saying the implied “black lives matter too”, it is saying that all black lives matter. It is an inclusive movement that seeks to bring together all of those people that were left out of the Civil Rights Movement of the past. The type of movement that Black Lives Matter has started to develop into is necessary to dismantle the colorblind racism present in American society today.