Dot's About Us Page

The third artifact I chose to examine is the website run by the owners of Dot’s. On the website, they have a whole section devoted to Hurricane Irene and the reconstruction of Dot’s. However, despite the coverage that Dot’s received from The New York Times article if you look under the section titled “Dot’s in the Media” The New York Times is nowhere to be found. The website chooses to highlight articles written about it from smaller magazines, like Ski Vermont.

When looking at the “About Dot’s” page of the website, it becomes clear that Patty and John truly appreciate the history of the building that they own. Not only that, but they make a conscious effort to maintain Dot’s as a small town treasure, not capitalizing on the press coverage gained from Irene. Event the website which they used when attempting to rebuild Dot’s, rebuildDot’ has been deleted. The website acknowledges Dot’s history with Hurricane Irene while also keeping its historical integrity and also reminding you what the Lunch Specials are.

Dot's About Us Page