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Virtual Learning: The Effects of Increased Screen time and Physical Inactivity

Artifact #1: This table shows the decreasing physical activity levels and increasing minutes of screentime per week before and after the pandemic hit. These results show that the number of minutes per week these children spent online quadrupled after the pandemic hit. Although this is most likely due to virtual learning, their physical activity was also lowered. The minutes per week of physical activity for these children before the pandemic was five times the amount it is after the pandemic hit. These results are shocking, which is why I have predicted a future world centered around technology and a decrease in the motivation of adults. 

Artifact #2: This graph shows that children have spent much more time on social media and playing computer games after the lockdown when virtual learning was over compared to after the lockdown when school was in session. This means that the increase in screen time did not solely have to do with virtual learning. In fact, it had less to do with virtual learning and more to do with being inside more. This relates to my prediction that in the future, we could expect lower than average grades in school. Due to the increased usage of social media and computer games, we can expect to see this decrease in academic performance.