Santo Domingo and Increases in Collectivism

This page and artifacts support my first prediction that Santo Domingo will experience increases in collectivism due to resource limitations within the next five years. 

Artifact #4: This artifact is an image from Varum and Grossmann in which they define collectivism and individualism. I chose this image because these two definitions are significantly important to know for the rest of this podcast. 

Artifact #5: This artifact is a table from Varum and Grossmann. This table shows different ecological pressures that can occur in our cultures with specific evoked responses. This artifact is meaningful towards my exhibit because the third ecological pressure that has been examined by them is resource scarcity versus abundance. This ecological affordance leads to increases in individualism or increases in collectivism. This artifact is vital to my prediction because I am focusing on resource scarcity and how that leads to collectivism or to the interdependent sense of self. 

Artifact #6:This artifact is an image from Kyriacou. It shows how decreases in the economy lead to collectivism. Communities unite and come together when resources are deficient. In other words, people rely on one another and build a strong circle that becomes hard to break. This evidence is important and critical to support my prediction because although Santo Domingo is not a rural area, it still suffers from poverty, which can result in increases in collectivism. 

Artifact # 7: This artifact is an image from Kyriacou. It illustrates how resource scarcity places pressure on or obligates communities to share the few resources they have with others, leading to collectivism. This is crucial to what I predict because as people in Santo Domingo experience a lack of resources, these people tend to get close and share whatever resources they have. This is a sign of interdependence. 

Artifact #8: This artifact is a map by Buggle. This map shows the levels of collectivism across countries within a range from zero to a hundred. The Dominican Republic has the darker red color on the map. This illustrates that the Dominican Republic falls within 70-94 as one of the countries with high degrees of collectivism. This map is essential to my prediction because as resources become more scarce due to poverty in the Dominican Republic, increases in collectivism will likely be experienced in the country five years from now. 

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