Garden of Peace Plaque

Garden of Peace Plaque in Strawberry Fields

This plaque sits in Strawberry Fields, in Central Park. The name itself possesses one of the words most commonly attributed to the late Lennon when people talk about him or his legacy; peace. Due to Lennon having this reputation for being committed to peace and being such an activist, it only makes sense that this plaque is housed in the living memorial to one of the biggest figures of peace.

121 countries endorse Strawberry Fields as a Garden of Peace. The sheer number of nations willing to attach their name to a monument for one single person speaks to the regard they must have for that individual. 121 countries felt compelled to put their stamp of approval on this little section of Central Park. These countries are essentially assigning Lennon the role of a model peace activist.

This bronze plaque really speaks to the image of Lennon that has taken shape after his passing. Once he had passed, the global narrative was that he was such a peaceful man, killed in a violent and tragic way. This is very true, but there is more to Lennon then his peace activism. Still, that is what the memorial of Strawberry Fields wants to focus on, and because of the established image of Lennon internationally, the memorial is able to accomplish their goal of memorializing Lennon as a beacon of peace.