Yoko Ono Tweet

Image Tweeted by Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono, widow to John Lennon, has kept his spirit and his goal of peace alive in the world since his passing. She has continued to promote his legacy and his beliefs in the wake of him not being there to do it for himself. She has also taken to using her late husband’s image and reputation among society, and attaching it to causes that she feels is right and just.

On the 35th anniversary of Lennon’s assassination, Yoko Ono tweeted out an image of Lennon’s blood smeared glasses, along with an alarming statistic of gun violence in the USA. Seeing as Lennon, who actively promoted peace and non-violence, was murdered in such a violent way as being shot with a gun, the image makes sense. Ono, who lost her partner to gun violence would of course want to take any measure to raise awareness and move towards finding ways in which this tragedy doesn’t affect the lives of others anymore. Using her husband as a tool to further this agenda embodies the spirit of Lennon still.

The celebrity surrounding Lennon, and the emotional attachment people have to him and his death can serve as an effective instrument to generate a real feeling among society about this problem. Even after his passing, Lennon’s influence goes toward making change for the greater good. Because of the image of Lennon that society has crafted, there is something poetic about Lennon’s death being advertised in such a way.