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Manhattan College Omeka

Artifact #4: The Psychology of Shoplifting: Development of a New Typology for Repeated Shoplifting

The present study was conducted to address this gap in the literature by developing an empirically and theoretically supported typology of the varied individuals who shoplift. This study also considered the role of a typically adaptive construct, self-compassion, in shoplifting behavior.Study participants included 202 individuals who reported repeated shoplifting. Recruited from Mechanical Turk, participants provided information about their experiences of shoplifting, motivations, mental health, ethical attitudes, personal histories, and life circumstances. Cluster analyses revealed that the sample could be divided into six discrete groups of individuals. These clusters comprise a typology of individuals who shoplift, including a Loss-Reactive Type (28%of the sample), Impulsive Type (20%), Depressed Type (18%), Hobbyist Type (18%), AddictiveCompulsive Type (9%), and Economically Disadvantaged Type (7%).

Artifact #4: The Psychology of Shoplifting: Development of a New Typology for Repeated Shoplifting