Competition and ingroup biases on social media can lead to an increase in depressive symptoms.

Artifact #3:

This model depicts the results show from their study how the cultural varible competition, can have an increase in depression. This model shows the amount of time on social networking sites can lead to both depression and social media addiction. They explained this finding to be a result of social ranking theory. The social rank theory is shown in instagram because, if particpants don’t get a certain amount of likes or hearts or comments specifically on instagram they feel lower in rank, and  they feel not good enough.  Therefore, Instagram users may develop feelings of depression because they feel they are not successfully achieving the goal of the platform. Researchers used social rank theory to explain how increased social media usage can lead to depression.

Artifact #4 & #5:

Artifact #4:  The results of this experiment showed that teenagers who had more in group competition between freinds had a higher degree of envy as social media intensifies. Low in group competition among friends creates significantly less envy compared as social media usage increases. It showed how in group competition  among teenagers can increase envy which may lead to depression.

Artifact #5: This graph indicates  that with increased social media usage leads to a slight  increase in social comparison in high in group competition of peers compared to the low ingroup competition. Howvere both groups tended to have an overal high amount of socaial comparison as social media increases. So this graph that Peerayuth is showing tells us that more competition between friends leads to  more social comparison, and more envy will occur.

Artifact #6&7

Artifact #6: This graph is the results section of study number 4. Study 4’s whole purpose is to explore how we humanize in group effect to both positive and negative traits by characterizing them as only human nature. Results of study number 4 clearly indicate that when there is a a negative trait noticed by in group participants the increase of human nature ratings significantly rise. So what that means is that more people blamed a negative trait on “ human nature” basic need in their in group than people in the control. So more people have more leniency towards negative traits and threats for people in their ingroup or friends compared to people who are in the out group, who are not part of their circle.

Artifact #7:Two separate quotes from that article shows that their hypotheses proved to be correct, that people mitigate negative flaws in their in-group by portraying it as just human nature.  It shows how in group bias leads the person in the outgroup to feel more critisized and ridiculed for their negative flaws which may lead to an increase in depression. 

Competition and ingroup biases on social media can lead to an increase in depressive symptoms.