An Introduction To the Podcast!

This Omeka site accompanies my podcast entitled "The Future Awaits: A Cultural Psychology Podcast." Where I ask the question,  " How will social media effect depression rates 5 years down the line?" How do the cultural varibles, comeptition, in group bias and individualism all play a role on depression through social media in our society? 

Click this link to listen to the podcast in another tab while following along in this exhibit, or play the podcast file (on left).

Does social media aid in the rise of depression in currect day society?

Here we will explore 2 hypothesis:

1) Over the course of 5 years competition and ingroup biases shown on social media  will lead to an increase in depressive symptoms from people behind the screen.

2) Over the course of 5 years as our country gets more and more individualistic people are more susceptible to depressive symptoms because of their Idio centric ideas on social media

But first we need to indeify that this is a rising issue in our society today. 

Artifact #1: 

This artifact depicts the percentage of depressive symptoms as the years go up.This graph shows a significant rise in depressive symptoms as the years went on starting in 2011. The direct causation of technology isn’t quite clear however if we think about the timeline of when technology really started to rise with an increase of smartphones and touch screen technology it was around that time when the trend became popular. 


This bar grapgh depicts the results at the end of a 4 week study, indicating that on the 4th week of the experimental group who had to use less social media as the week went on ended up having less amount of lonliness compare to the control group.