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Omeka Item 3 Page 1.pdf
The essay shown in these items discusses suicide in England during the Victorian era, describing it as a common occurrence that is caused by a general "moral madness." The majority of the article discusses the legal consequences of suicide, and how a…

Married Women's Property.pdf
Described by the online database "The Illustrated London News: Historical Archive" as having been originally printed under the newspaper's "Politics and Parliament" section, this 1874 article details the passing of an Act of Parliament as an…

Download Document (8).pdf
This is a page of classified ads in the The Sheffield & Rotherham Independent for the original publication of Alicia's Diary. The ad has contains the early review's of the the story along with naming some of Hardy's other works. The ad is written as…

Healthy Homes: Hints by a Surveyor.pdf
This article, "Healthy Homes" is published in the exact newspaper as "Alicia's Diary" was for the first time. It appears right after the first installment of "Alicia's Diary", separated only by a small break in the page. It is interesting that these…

Ghost in the Stereoscope!.pdf
This artifact is a newspaper advertisement for stereoscopes, and stereoscope slides that depict numerous objects and scenes, including a scene that shows a ghost. This advertisement shows a merging of Victorian literature and storytelling with the…

railway men.jpg
In this article, there are many railroad servants who are thinking of doing a strike for better wages and shorter work hours. This gives insight to the type of lifestyle and treatment these men were getting before they started to rebel. Luckily, many…

Created in the mid 1850s, this piece is a form of virtual reality in the Victorian era. The media allowed an audience to immerse themselves, virtually, in the Crystal Palace- which was a place that housed exhibitions. Through layering multiple…

The Brighton Railway Accident.PDF
This newspaper article explores the aftermath of the railway collision at the Clayton tunnel on the Brighton Railway in which 23 people were killed and hundreds were injured. This crash sent waves of sadness throughout the towns of London and…

A man went to Nagasaki, Japan and created a stereoscope of the ladies he met there. The images of the females depict the gentleness of their features even though they are seen to have the lowest form of character to the European world. They are found…

Fine Arts Photography.PDF
This magazine article describes the way that the technological advancements made in photography by both Daguerre and Fox Talbot have allowed for the use of photographic images in various works, including periodicals. An account of Talbot’s…