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3.29 Omeka Item.pdf
This short piece of text by Olive Schreiner is incredibly beautiful, although somewhat hard to define. It initially interested me because what Schreiner writes is beautiful, but it doesn't fall into a specific genre. It's form doesn't quite fit…

goodie bag.jpg
Merchandise table selling $200 tshirts and goodie bags filled with cheap items, including condoms, which did not quadruple the amount of the ticket price.

Omeka Item.pdf
The inspiration for choosing to research this source is due to an inspiration that came from the reading of "On The Western Front". In this text I felt that the role of literature was a tool that was subtly interwoven into the story which…

Queen Victoria was married to Prince Albert on April 10, 1840. She is actually credited with popularizing the use of a white gown at weddings, as it was popular among higher classes but not with others at the time. The selection of white as the…


The bodies of these sculptures are frail, and their faces appear frightened. Their eyes are wide as they look up at the massive ships they are about to embark. They clutch onto what is left of their belongings as they board the ships to America,…

Rossetti notebook 4.jpg
In response to the passage from Thomas Hardy's "The Imaginative Woman" which portrays the mundane life that most women share in Victorian Society in lieu of marriage, as well as the role women are then confined to, I am sharing a poem by Christina…

This popular article details the an account of the who, what, when, where and why of John Lennon's murder on December 8, 1980. While it might have been possible the "Imagine" Mosaic would have been created in the event John Lennon died of natural…

Domestic Violence in the US.jpg
This item creates a visual representation of some startling facts and figures about domestic violence in the United States. It was created through the digital tools requirement, and is intended to be used to put stories of domestic violence like…