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Though it was published in 1893, this article definitely has the same language and overall feel of a contemporary tabloid article one could find at the checkout counter at Stop and Shop. But instead of having articles talk about Brangelina or the…

The Diary of the Shah.pdf
This is an article which describes, criticizes, and provides accounts from the book called “Diary of H.M. the Shah of Persia During his Tour Through Europe in A.D. 1873,” translated by J.W. Redhouse. The statements from this diary that are…

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This satirical article from Punch discusses several new book releases, including selections from Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories. One of the stories discussed is the titular one of "Lord Arthur Savile's Crime," which the reviewer finds…

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The Facebook page that started the revolution in Egypt by organizing parades and providing meeting locations.

This is an image of Rendcomb Park and Cowley Manor, which I think would be a close representation of the Manor in which Mr. Denton is staying in in "The Diary of Mr. Poynter." I thought this would be an interesting item because it gives a better idea…

A supporter of President Hosni Mubarak, on camel, fights with anti-Mubarak protesters in Cairo, Egypt

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The building that is now known as the Stonewall Inn was originally constructed as stables between the years 1843 and 1846. The building itself went through many incarnations before it was bought by the Italian Mafia in 1966 and converted into a bar…

The Brothers arrive in Pittsburgh, a town which was newly chartered in 1816 and only had a population of 7,248 according to the upcoming 1820 census.

The Brothers travel from Louisville to Kentucky's second oldest city, Bardstown, which was also also the first center of Roman Catholicism west of the Appalachian Mountains in the original western frontier territories of the United States as noted…