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The Old Academy original building

This is a book that records a conversation between author Arthur Conan Doyle and a medium who is speaking to his dead son, Pheneas. The book is written during a time in the Victorian era in which emphasis was put on scientifically proving the…

This is another book written by Arthur Conan Doyle that documents the history of Spiritualism. It's important to note that Doyle views this history a purely academic way as the book tries to both provide a history of how the field developed while…

This picture shows the front page of the Boston Globe the day after the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist. The space given to the story shows sensationalism that follows this mystery.

Here we see another colored lithograph, advertising the ‘National Skating Palace.’ The viewer is led to believe this was a highly respected experience for two reasons. Firstly, having a lady, so gracefully skating towards us and inviting us to…

The Met Goblin Market .png
Christina Rossetti's book of verse, "Goblin Market", alludes to various interpretations of culture that was immensely popular in the Victorian area; consumerism and female sexuality. The text revolves around two sisters encompassed by the temptation…

Jeffries acknowledges the dangers of having a color-blind employee on the railroad, whether as a conductor or signalman. Reds, greens, or yellows will appear on signals not intended for those colors depending on an employees type of color blindness,…

This piece shows us all the key details about the new Yankee Stadium and it's interesting to find that it replicates the old stadium in a lot of ways.

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This is the cover of the magazine which first published Margaret Oliphant's piece, "The Library Window." Oliphant's piece was the first story to be read when opening this issue. I just find it interesting because when looking at the cover, it is very…