Cultural Change brought through evoked culture, and ethic of community

 This quote from Heine &Norenzayan study on how cultural change is brought about portrays how what is happening in the American environment will bring about a change in culture. Today the American environment is full of inequality, police brutality and a lack of individual rights available for all people. The same way the environment has brought about this culture of inequality, lack of justice and individual rights respected, the Black Lives Matter Movement evokes humanity into culture to bring about a cultural change. From the humanity black lives matter promotes, a new culture will emerge.

This Quote from Frederick Harris’s article on the Black LivesMatter Movement as "The Next Civil Rights Movement” showcases how evoked culture is used in the form of evoking humanity to bring about change. The Black Lives Matter Movemen’s way of using its resources suggests that over time with the effect of evoked culture, a new culture will emerge in the United States. 

This quote from Jonathan Haidt’s  book “The Righteous Mind” shows how through the Black Lives Matter Movement,  the ethic of community will bring about change as it leads to compassion, egalitarianism and basic human rights. All these aspects the ethic of community triggers are serving to promote ideas of the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

This quote from Ashley Yates, a Ferguson activist and co-founder of Millennial Activists United shows how evoked culture and ethic of community are psychological constructs that through Black Lives Matter Movement will bring about change. It will bring about change because the issues it’s fighting against are  very present and can’t be disregarded but also because it concerns every human being because it’s their fellow humans suffering. 

Cultural Change brought through evoked culture, and ethic of community