Attitudes and Acceptance Towards the Out-Group

Map of the world illustrating the ethnic diversity in different countries where red is little diversity and green is the most. Norway is red while the US is sand-colored which indicates more ethnic diversity in the US than in Norway.

The graph shows the relationship between parasite stress and in-group assortativeness. The more parasite stress, the more in-group assortativeness.

A picture from a SIAN protest in January. Some of the members of SIAN (Stop Islamization of Norway) lit a Quran on fire in front of several Muslims and immigrant supporters. The police arrested the person who lit the Quran and tried to put out the fire. There has been an increase in events and protests like this where individuals have gotten more violent and disrespectful.

Go to the next page to see more of how the coronavirus might start some new trends in the Norwegian society.

Attitudes and Acceptance Towards the Out-Group