Tightness vs Looseness

Definition of tight and loose cultures with their different characteristics.

Table showing the tightness score of several countries. The US got a score of 5.1, while Norway got a score of 9.5, which is almost twice as high. Norway and the US has been marked with a yellow dot in the table.

The cultural conduct guidelines that were given to the German soldiers who were stationed in Norway during the second world war. The text is a translation of a German copy. One of the tips for the German soldiers is that the Norwegians "have no sense of military authority" so you can't boss them around as that will make them defiant.

The prevalence of infectious diseases leads to increased conformity to social norms.

The definition of conformity bias and how it contrasts with prestige bias.

Scientists have found a link between the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix in 2009 and narcolepsy. People who were vaccinated with Pandemrix were five times more likely to develop narcolepsy. Many Norwegians are suspicious to the corona vaccines after the unknown affects of the Pandemrix vaccine.

Go to the next page to see more of the changes in religion that might occur because of the coronavirus in Norway.

Tightness vs Looseness