Overview of the Corona Situation

The map shows the coronasituation in the world. Most countries have had cases of the coronavirus, which can be seen by the darkness of the red color for the countries. The red shades are based on confirmed cases per 100,000 in the population.

Over 55 million people have been infected by the coronavirus and over 1 million has died because of the virus worldwide. (11/17/2020)

Statistics for comparison between the US, Norway, and the world. The US has 35,058 cases of the virus per 1 million in their population, while Norway has 5,471. The US has 765 deaths from the virus per 1 million in their population, while Norway has 55. If we compare these numbers, the US have 7 times more cases and 15 times more deaths per 1 million than Norway. (11/17/2020)

Several public places have signs and reminders to social distance. This picture is from a local metro in Norway which has stickers on the floor that shows people where to stand to keep the right distance. Half of the seats also have posters stating that they shouldn't be used so people won't sit to close to each other.

People are promoting hope and community by artwork during the corona pandemic. This mural was painted by that artist Pøbel and reflects how society is today with the use of face masks. The piece is called "The Lovers".

Many artists have written songs that reflects our situation now and brings hope. This music video is from OneRepublic's song "Better Days". The band asked everyone who was stuck somewhere or in quarantine to record what they were doing these days and put it together into this uplifting music video.

Go to next page for more information about how the coronavirus might change the level of collectivism in the Norwegian society.

Overview of the Corona Situation