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While researchers are not exactly sure, it is believed that COVID-19 originated in the city of Wuhan, China in late 2019. Scientists believe that the virus came from a live animal market and then spread to humans. After it spread to humans, it got transmitted by direct contact with an infectious individual through things such as coughing and sneezing as well as through the air through tiny aerosols.

 This text provides an accurate account of the total number of cases and deaths as of November 17th, 2020 as a result of COVID-19 in the United States. The high number of cases and deaths show how widespread the virus is and how it is easily transmitted.

This text provides an accurate account of the total number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19 worldwide as of November 17th, 2020. The high number of cases and deaths shows how dangerous the virus is and how it has become a problem everywhere, not just in the United States. 

This image shows how the large amounts of deaths as a result of the COVID-19 virus are beginning to overwhelm the healthcare system. NYC hospital’s morgues have been filled to capacity and therefore, need new ways in which they can store the massive amounts of dead bodies. Because of this, mobile morgues are being used to store human corpses. 

This image depicts a man in the ICU of United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas. The image also shows the full protective gear medical personnel had to wear. Despite the full protective gear, many nurses and doctors got sick, indicating how contagious the virus is. 

This phrase is stated by a funeral director. The text highlights how one thing affects another. Due to the rise of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, the health system has been severely impacted because hospitals are running out of ICU beds, ventilators, and even body bags. In addition, there has been a tremendous amount of deaths. The funeral director uses the term “death system” to refer to funeral homes and the various processes that occur after someone has died. The rise in deaths has also strained funeral homes due to the lack of space in the morgues and not enough time to accommodate all of the arriving human corpses. This shows how our health care system was not prepared to handle such a catastrophe. 

This image is of a woman named Lori who is visiting her mom Judi in Washington who has just been diagnosed with coronavirus. The image shows how Lori is touching the glass as a way to feel close to her and to show Judi that she is right there with her. This image highlights how those who had family members that were sick were not allowed to come near them. This means that those with severe symptoms often died alone and those with sick loved ones did not have much of a chance to say goodbye.