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Conformity and Collectivism

This quote is stated by Murray, Trudeau, and Schaller in their article “On The Origins Of Cultural Differences In Conformity: Four Tests Of The Pathogen Prevalence Hypothesis.” The quote highlights how due to the sudden increase in pathogen prevalence, which is the number of people in a population who have a particular disease at a given time or over a specified period, there will be higher levels of conformity as well as a shift from individualism to collectivism. 

The image shows how grocery stores along with other businesses are instructing and reminding customers to stay 6 feet apart from one another at all times in order to reduce the spread of the virus.

This is an image of Woodhull hospital in Brooklyn where Janie Marshall lost her life. Marshal was an 86 year old woman who died after being shoved by Cassandra Lundy who claimed the victim was standing too close to her and not adhering to the social distancing guidelines. Violence as a result of not following social norms are happening in places where one least expects. The virus has created this fear and panic amongst the public leading individuals to believe that the only way to protect themselves and stop the spread of the virus is by adhering to the social norms and new guidelines. 

This quote is stated by Corey Fincher, Randy Thornhill, Damian Murray, and Mark Schaller in their article “Pathogen Prevalence Predicts Human Cross-Cultural Variability In Individualism/Collectivism.” This quote highlights the results of a study conducted examining 98 regions using historical indicators as well as epidemiological data regarding pathogen prevalence in a given region. The results indicate that countries that have higher infectious disease prevalence tend to have more collectivistic attitudes. Collectivism serves as an anti-pathogen defense function. Thus, individuals who are more collectivistic tend to be more cautious and wary of contact with foreigners and out-group members. 

In this image, we see that everyone in the subway car has a mask. We also see people with shirts that say “stop the spread, wear a mask” handing out masks to people. They are stressing the importance of wearing a mask since it prevents droplets from an infected person from being dispersed into the air. This can prevent the spread of the virus. 

This is an image of the Corning Tower in Albany, New York. The Words “New York Tough” are projected on the tower in the honor of all New Yorkers who have worked hard to flatten the curve of the Coronavirus. The phrase is created to bring New Yorkers together and make it seem as though we are all one.