Predictions: Children's Physical and Mental Health are Negatively Impacted

Artifact #4: I chose this excerpt from the article because it explains how wireless devices  give off an unprecedented amount of microwave radiations, as well as ionizing and non-ionizing radiations. These radiaitons are very harmful to children since their minds and bodies are not fully grown yet. Radiation can cause a number of medical issues later in life one of those issues include damage to DNA and causes cancer. Laws and regulations being passed also goes to show how important regulation of internet usage for children is. This information is significant for my prediction since it explains a few ways in which technolgical devices can negatively impact children's physical health in 5-10 years. 

Artifact #5: This excerpt from the article explains how adolescents who spend more time using their technolgical devices, on the internet are more likely to be lonely, suffer from anxiety and depression. This passage ties in aspects such as children spending more time on the internet then socializing, and girls being more vulnerable to symptoms of depression because of negative feelings about their appearence. These being major causes of negative impacts on children's mental health, can cause the child to self-harm. 

Artifact #6: This passage from the article goes deeper then explaining that how much time a child spends online can negatively impact them, but also the fact that when children have easy access to the internet they have accessibility to finding information on self-harm. This is a frightening fact, and makes it clear that not only how much screen time a child has is dangerous but also the activities they engage in online, and the content their able to access. This information is significant in regards to my prediction since it relates to a child's physical health. The fact is that if children aren't being monitored on their technolgical devices their well-being is in jepardy. 

Predictions: Children's Physical and Mental Health are Negatively Impacted