Internet Usage Negatively Impacting Children

Artifact #2: The table provided from 2022 article, "Impact of technology on children’s health: a systematic review" by Raquel Cordeiro Ricci provides useful information about many of the negative health, including mental health affects a child may face when using the internet. Children who are given devices such as an iphone, gaming system, and television over time with continuous use will be negatively impacted. I chose this table because it does a good job at showing the negative impacts as well as the fact that children who have high amounts of internet usage are spending all of their time on technolgical devices and not spending time outside or socializing with others off the screen, and in person. 

Artifact #3: The image that I chose is a reconceptualized Bronfenbrenner's model made by Johnson & Puplampu whom proposed the Ecological Techno-Subsystem as a dimension of the microsystem. This model goes to show how another immediate enviorment for children besides from their family and friends is their technolgical devices such as the TV, cell phone etc. Since these devices are part of the child's immediate enviorment questions arise for the parents, are they regulating the use of the devices? How much screen time do they allow their child? I liked this image because it shows how children's new immediate enviorment is the internet, taking away from children actually socializing with others, and goes to prove that with their being constant use of devices, social barriers are created.