The Unavoidable Presence of Technological Devices in Children's Lives

Welcome to my Omeka site! This site accomponies my podcast titled "Technolgical Devices and Internet Usage Will Negatively Impact Children in the Long-run" (located on the left) Make sure to listen and follow along with the artifacts provided. 

Over the last decade the need for technological devices has been evident. In every house that you enter there is either 1 or more device that allows you access to the internet. The  technolgical devices and the use of the internet is negitively impacting the children in those housholds. The purpose of my podcast and Omeka site is to predict the future outcome we might see in 5-10 years from now if children remain having mobile devices and the internet at there exposal, using concepts in psychology. Throughout the course of my podcast, I will be using psycholgical research to provide evidence for my two predictions: 

       1. There will be more people suffering from physical health issues caused from excessive internet usage at an early age 

       2. Children's mental health will suffer leading to increased cases of depression and self-harm

Artifact #1: In Ahmet Sami Knoca's 2021 article and research study, "Digital Technology Usage of Young Children: Screen Time and Families" Ahmet provides useful infromation on technolgical devices in the home. She explains how touchscreen devices have become more widespread and the percentages of famillies that have these devices along with children who have their own device. The availibilty of digital devices for children has increased causing children to use devices such as the smartphone, tablet computer, and desktop/laptop computers as young as the age of 6, within the home context. I chose this passage because it does a good job at repersenting how technolgical devices are unavoidable at this day and age, and children are inevitably going to be surrounded by the devices and internet. 

The Unavoidable Presence of Technological Devices in Children's Lives