The National September 11th Memorial & Museum

On September 11th, 2001 the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S soil stuck. 2,977 souls were taken all within 102 minutes and left not only America but the world frightened and confused.In the aftermath of 9/11 the immediate question was, “how will we rebuild our city and memorialize those who were lost?”. When creating a memorial for the horrendous days of September 11th, 2001 and February 26th, 1993 there were many stakeholders. Not only did this memorial have to memorialize all the innocent victims who were taken from this world to soon, it also had to be conscious of the space it was going to be taking up. Not only did the 16 acres have to include a memorial it also had to include a museum which would help educate future generations on the attacks. Within this Omeka we will be looking at the attacks as a whole and the years following and showing how the National September 11th Memorial & Museum has and will continue memorializing the innocent lost and teaching future generations.