Why The Memorial is Important : Born After 2001

9/11 Memorial Parapets

The National September 11th Memorial & Museum is not only important to memorialize those who were innocently taken from this world but also to teach future generations to come. Today, in 2019, seniors in high school are an interesting group to look at. This group half were born pre-9/11 and half of them post-9/11. Though current college students were all born pre-9/11 many people do not remember life before September 11th and the changes that came about afterwards. The National September 11th Memorial & Museum has an entire section in the museum dedicated to teaching those who have no prior connection the day. The historical exhibition is made up of three sequential parts: the Events of the Day, Before 9/11, and After 9/11. Viewers can get a look at how the events unfolded on September 11th, they can also get a look at the world before September 11th. The Before 9/11 section steps back in time, providing the historical context leading up to 9/11, “it examines the World Trade Center as a symbol and a target and addresses the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the evolution of the terrorist network al-Qaeda and the development of the 9/11 plot.” Finally, it shows post 9/11 “addresses the world after 9/11, presenting a collection of grief and global response.”

The National September 11th Memorial & Museum is crutial so no matter how many years past - the day will never be forgotten. “'Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."