COVID-19 & Children Becoming Less Social

This Omeka site accompanies my podcast entitled " How The COVID-19 Pandemic Will Impact the Future Of Children's Sociability and Technology Use" (on left).

Artifact #1: In Irawan, Dwisona, & Lestari’s 2020 article, “Psychological Impacts Of Students On Online Learning During The Pandemic Covid-19” they provide useful insight into how social distancing during the pandemic will cause high levels of anxiety which will cause no interpersonal communication (See artifact on right). This insight will be useful to understand the different impacts of the pandemic that will affect the relationships children will have. 

The purpose of this podcast is to predict the impact on kids who have grown up in the pandemic and the future outcome from this that we might see in the next 5-10 years, using concepts in psychology. Throughout the course of the podcast, I will be using psychological findings to provide evidence for two predictions: 

  1. Children who have grown up during the pandemic will become less social. 
  2. Children who have grown up during the pandemic will go to become more technologically driven 

After listening to the introduction, click on the next page to follow along!

COVID-19 & Children Becoming Less Social