COVID 19 & Children becoming less social

Artifact #5: I chose this artifact because it shows the difference between social participation before and after the pandemic. Essentially, after the pandemic, there was a significant decrease in the amount of social participation. This is significant for my prediction that children who have grown up during the pandemic will become less social in 5 to 10 years as we already see a change occurring now

  •  Before the pandemic, the rare score for social participation was very low but after the pandemic, this significantly increased participation is now saying they rarely participate even more. 

Artifact #6: This is a section of the article How the pandemic may damage children’s social intelligence (2021) explaining that adults' social cognition skills have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which means there is a likely chance it will affect children as well because children are more vulnerable when it comes to a long term absence of peer to peer interaction. This is significant for my prediction that children who have grown up during the pandemic will become less social in 5 to 10 years as we already see a change occurring now. 

COVID 19 & Children becoming less social