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30 years after Lennon's death, his friend Ray Connolly writes about the person he once knew. Connolly acknowledges that there is this over-sensationalized view of Lennon in society today, that we worship him too much. John was not a perfect person,…

Cooks Children's Hospital is particularly close to the Dallas-Fortworth area. It is one of the main contributors to Camp John Marc as it brings campers in from the hospital. It is important because it brings the city surrounding camp into the life…

In this article, Dale Darling recounts their trip to Wilmington Vermont and, more specifically, Dot's Restaurant. They praise not only the food but also the friendly atmosphere and service. All in all, it's a glowing review.

Yankee Stadium Banners.jpg
This photo shows us what the lobby of Yankee Stadium looks like. It is highlighted by large banners of Yankee legends from the past. It is very meaningful and important because it provides fans with an immediate presence and remembrance of some of…

Here are a set of photos in Central Park of my cousin, Cziana Stanton, and a family friend, Ethan De La Cruz, on a visit from Hawaii and Arizona respectively. Like the set of photos on The Lake in the row boats in front of Bethesda fountain, I want…

Here are a few natural shots I took in June 2013 during my visit to Central Park when my cousin visited from Arizona and my family friend visited from Hawaii. The shots demonstrate how the park has been preserved while also being interactive. It…

A small collection of videos from my personal archives from a few years back while celebrating my friend and I’s birthday, April 17 and April 20th respectively. While the videos at first seem doofy and not all that professional in the scope of the…

M.R. James's "The Diary of Mr. Poynter" was not the earliest occurrence of a story in which somebody mistakes an intruder in their home for their own pet. In "The Diary of Mr. Poynter," James Denton reaches down to pet his dog, but he places his hand…

Accompanying the text are 21 “decorations,” as the book describes them, done by Albert D. Blashfield. The decorations appear in the front of the book after the title page and before the publishing and copyright information, on the dedication…