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casterbridge cottage .jpg
This photograph comes from the edition of "Wessex Tales" that was published in 1912. It shows the hangman's cottage, which Gertrude visits in order to cure her arm.

contstruction of london railroad photograph.pdf
This an image of the construction of the london metropolitan railway. At the time it was the first underground railway in the world. In the image one can see the men hard at work who at the time were probably working long hours in unsafe conditions.

The image was taken from Charles Dickens' Christmas 1866 addition which held his story "The Signalman." Normally during this time, the ads were placed throughout the different works to have an image about what the work is about, however, because of…

This is an illustration from Project Gutenberg's work "The Signalman". I thought it was an interesting picture to include in the text, also it being the only picture within the text! It is drawn in a very gothic, ominous style which captures the…

signalman 2.jpg
This image depicts the original edition of the Christmas 1866 magazine "All The Year Round". The way Dickens was able to get money to sell these issues and have enough to spend on the printing/publishing was to sell ad space. This is different from…

signalman 1.JPG
This is the cover page that we viewed when our class went to the NYPL for class. This is in prime condition and it is an accurate representation of what people in Christmas 1866 would carry around after buying one. This edition holds Dickens work…