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The Operative Miller or The Technical Milling Paper was a paper aimed towards millers and their hardware. The paper featured advertisements for tools, articles which offered techniques, as well as help-wanted ads. In this piece, the Alsop Process…

Evans lived a generous childhood, doing what she could to help the local impoverished where she grew up. This taught her lessons on humanity that would later appear in her works. As a young adult she learned French, German and Italian in addition to…

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This brief news blurb published in 1872 by The Englishwoman's Review announces the establishment of a woman's library in the French capital Paris, and further requests that any reader interested in furthering the cause of women's education is…

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The illustrations show the different perspectives of two different mental institutions during 1840s England. The first image is the outside of the building. Here, one sees nothing out of the ordinary. It looks like a castle with people walking…

ENGL 335 Midterm Omeka Item.pdf
This article in Hearth and Home magazine details what hysteria is, how it affects women in the Victorian period, and how women need to act in order to combat this illness. It is filled with highly sexist ideas, such as the idea that women need to use…

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In response to the passage from Thomas Hardy's "The Imaginative Woman" which portrays the mundane life that most women share in Victorian Society in lieu of marriage, as well as the role women are then confined to, I am sharing a poem by Christina…

This is a photograph of the stained glass windows in the St. Andrew's College dining hall, originally installed in 1857 by Edward Burne-Jones. Edward Burne-ones was one of the most visionary artists of the Victorian era, and was known for his…

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This ad for men’s clothing relates to the passage from "The Grey Woman" in several ways. The first is that that the advertisement shows the type of clothing that men at that time wore. The most interesting part of ad is the images of the men. How…

Isaac Baker Brown's journal about insanity, epilepsy, catalepsy, and hysteria gives a clear depiction of how people perceived women who exhibited resistance to domestic living in the Victorian Era. Included in this item is the journal's title page,…

In this article, it describes the gender discovery of Mary Mudge. She was originally born a male and it was only when she died that it was discovered who she really was. From the description of who she was during her life, it sounded as if she tried…