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Fashionable Philosophies.pdf
The first thing that I intend to do is to discuss briefly the importance of Laurence Oliphant in relation to Victorian Literature. He is the cousin of Margaret Oliphant, the writer of "The Library Window".

In this first piece section which I…

All The Year Round Table of Contents.jpg
In this Christmas 1866 issue of All The Year Round, the stories featured are Charles Dickens' "The Signalman," Andrew Halliday's, "The Engine-Driver," and Amelia B. Edwards, "The Engineer" amongst others. It is worth noting that "The Signalman"…

Blackwood's magazine.png
This is the cover of the magazine which first published Margaret Oliphant's piece, "The Library Window." Oliphant's piece was the first story to be read when opening this issue. I just find it interesting because when looking at the cover, it is very…

This is Margaret Oliphant's Obituary which was published in The Englishwoman's Review. Oliphant passed away June 25, 1897. Interestingly enough, this women's based periodical was one of the only places I found Oliphant's obituary. The obituary…

RTC 1.png
This piece was published in the same issue which Margaret Oliphant's The Library Window was originally published. The pieces are featured in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine January 1896 issue. I find it interesting that this piece written about…

Oliphant Newspaper.pdf
The following resource is a version of the story of 'The Library Window' provided in the Blackwood Newspaper. One thing to note about the structure of the newspaper version is that it has much smaller text and has less pages then the counterpart…

Omeka Item 3 Page 1.pdf
The essay shown in these items discusses suicide in England during the Victorian era, describing it as a common occurrence that is caused by a general "moral madness." The majority of the article discusses the legal consequences of suicide, and how a…

Emma Lavinia Gifford Hardy, Thomas Hardy's first wife, painted this watercolor sketch of the St. Juliot Churchyard in Cornwall. Created in 1870, this work was completed before their marriage in 1874. However, Thomas signed the image for Emma,…

Diary 1..png
A diary was written by a woman in New Orleans, who found herself surrounded by many familiar faces yet, feeling entirely alone. A suiter from a neighboring area took her hand and married her immediately. This diary is an account of her adventures in…

Omeka Item.pdf
The inspiration for choosing to research this source is due to an inspiration that came from the reading of "On The Western Front". In this text I felt that the role of literature was a tool that was subtly interwoven into the story which…